Further Reading: Supporting Charities | Supporting Education | Supporting Families | Supporting Business

Supporting Communities All Over The World
We want to do all we can to support local communities wherever they are in the world, including helping to support the people who live there and all the amazing charities, good causes and public services that operate there. To this end, we aim to set up a network of local hubs from which we can reach out to support the communities in that region.
We would, therefore, be particularly happy to talk to organisations, schools, colleges, individuals and companies who would be willing to take on the role of a local hub in their area to assist us in reaching out to support local causes and the people they serve.
We believe there must be dozens of brilliant charities, good causes and other not-for-profit organisations in every community. And here at The Wisdom Trust, we would welcome the opportunity to help as many of them as possible by providing extra funding to support their activities and campaigns.
We would be delighted to work with your school or college or even with your company to reach out and offer support to all the brilliant charities and good causes in your local area.
But aside from that, if they’re not already listed, why not nominate your school, college or university – or even your company’s charity foundation or charity fund – to be registered as one of our partner organisations. We’ll be able to support their own charitable or educational objectives but also to help them to reach out into the local community to help dozens of other worthy causes too.
And if you represent a school, college, charitable organisation or a company, and you would be willing to work with us, do get in touch as soon as possible so we can start drawing up plan to reach out into your community, as well as raising funds for your own charitable or educational activities too.
Our unique ‘community network’ funding model will recognise the effort each organisation plays in helping us to reach out and support all those other causes and people in their community.
Our system will record the link between each organisation and all the people and causes it connects with The Wisdom Trust. It will then allocate extra funding for the benefit of that organisation’s own charitable or educational work, every time we raise funds for the charities and good causes they help introduce. It’s just one small way in which we can say “thanks” to those who help to spread the word.

Helping All Organisations
We want to work with all organisations, including companies and commercial bodies – either to help support their own charitable initiatives or to help enhance their existing ‘corporate social responsibility’ (CSR) activities. And we can assist them in reaching out to support more of the vital work being done by all sorts of charitable causes – all doing amazing things within their local communities and beyond.
Whether you’re a school, college, charity, good cause, individual fundraiser or even a company or other commercial organisation, you can register with The Wisdom Trust, set up your own Organisation Account, either to help fund your own charitable activities or to help you reach out to fund the activities of charities and good causes in your community.
We are also working on plans to help companies with business ‘build-back’ grants and to set up hardship funds to benefit their employees who have been negatively impacted as a direct result of the Covid pandemic.

Increasing The Value Of Your Fund
Once registered with us – free of charge – simply invite your students or supporters, your staff (and maybe even your customers and suppliers too, if you’re a company), plus their families and friends, to register on our website – also free of charge – so they can vote for your charity fund every day if they wish. This will help increase the share of our quarterly Donations Fund that we set aside especially for your charity, school, college or other organisation every quarter.
But each of your own supporters will be able to nominate and vote for another charitable organisation of their own choosing as well. In this way we’ll be able to further expand our outreach to support the incredible work of more and more good causes and commercial organisations in communities all over the world.
We’ll also promote the activiities, campaigns and events of all our charity partners, on our website and other media platforms, as well as highlighting the existing ‘corporate social responsibility’ (CSR) activities and charitable projects of all our commercial partners, with whom we’ll also be happy to work, so we can promote their products and services on our Market Place.
Further Reading – Supporting Schools, Colleges & Universities | Supporting Business

Our members and other people who use our website vote online to help decide which organisations receive a donation from our quarterly Donations Fund.
Each cause receives a donation in direct ratio to the number of votes they received over that quarter. So each and every organisation which receives even just one vote during each quarterly donations window will be allocated something from our Donations Fund. It couldn’t be more simple.
If your charity, good cause or other not-for-profit initiative (including corporate charity foundations and funds) is not already listed as a potential beneficiary of donations from the Wisdom Trust, click here to register your organisation today.
Get Involved – Sign Up Today

Additional Funding Through Credits
Members can also add to the funds set aside for their favourite cause by earning special Wisdom Trust Credits. Credits are awarded to members every day when they use the website; to learn by using our education programs, or to share their own wisdom, knowledge, questions with others, search the internet or shop online. For every 10 Credits earned in a day, you’ll be awarded another vote. But every Credit gained earns something for your favourite cause.
Members can also earn Credits when they use our Market Place for any of their normal online shopping at thousands of popular online stores and merchants. And we will strive continually to provide many other new and interesting ways in which you will be able to support your favourite causes through our website – almost always at no extra cost to yourself whatsoever.
We will feature a ‘Donate’ button on the profile page of each of our registered organisations for those members who would like to make a donation direct to a particular charity or good cause. And we will soon introduce a ‘matched funding’ facility for larger donations.

The Bank Of Wisdom
When the charity or good cause itself – or indeed any of its supporters, staff or families – submits new items for our Library of Wisdom, they’ll earn additional Credits for each item they submit (once it’s approved). Then once they’re live on our system, whenever someone else views, likes or shares any of those items, or answers any of their questions, the original contributor will earn a further Credit.
So by building up a collection – large or small – of submitted items within the Library of Wisdom, any charity or good cause or any of their supporters, will be creating a special ‘Bank of Wisdom’ which will keep earning Credits, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – and adding to the funds set aside for their nominated cause every quarter.
Such items for submission can be about the four big issues of poverty, environment, healthcare and world peace, or about anything else of interest to the member – including subjects such as history, geography, science, music or literature. Items could also be about local issues, culture or even the history of local organisations, landmarks or sports clubs.
Furthermore, users could submit items such as tips (eco, health or thrifty), quotations, jokes, recipes or reviews (books, movies, music, places or theatre for example).
If other users find the facts, questions or other items interesting, then they’ll like or share them or answer the questions and the original contributor – and their nominated favourite good causes – will benefit. Every time!!
As part of our mission to help our members increase their knowledge and wisdom, we plan a big expansion in our education provision and will continue to add new, interesting and exciting educational programmes on our website, all of which will earn members Credits to help their favourite cause and build up their own personal Wisdom Trust Grant Fund.
To kick things off, we recommend that members use our community section to join any groups that interest them and enjoy all the learning opportunities they provide. They can comment on and add to any discussions they find there or even start their own groups about subjects that interest them. And everything they do will earn them even more Credits. They’ll even earn Credits when other members join their groups or comment on, add to or share any of their discussions.
It’s so easy!! Get involved today.
Click below for more information about our Library of Wisdom.
Further Reading – Library Of Wisdom

The Wisdom Trust Community WISH Scheme
Our Wisdom Trust ‘Community WISH’ scheme ensures we can offer support to whole communities. Members can volunteer as Wisdom Trust Ambassadors, forming local Wisdom Trust groups – our ‘experts on the ground’ – to reach out and help people and organisations in their local area – offering Wisdom, Inspiration, Support and Hope.
Wisdom Trust Ambassadors will help ensure we connect with all local charities, good causes, schools, hospitals and other not-for-profit initiatives, including corporate charity foundations, in their communities. We can offer all these causes a new source of regular funding, publicity for their campaigns, activities and events via our website and social media platforms, as well as Wisdom Trust Grants for their supporters, staff and families.

Our local Wisdom Trust Ambassador teams will help connect the vulnerable, the elderly, families and those that are unwell with all the available resources and organisations which can improve their lives. Our Wisdom Trust Ambassadors will become specialists in their communities, so that wherever help is needed, they can make a real difference.
For example, we could help the elderly by making sure they’re aware of local groups and local grants, meals on wheels, special transport schemes and help to heat their homes in Winter. We could deliver their medication and help them buy food and meet other people so they’re not lonely.
Wisdom Trust Ambassadors can also help mothers with young children so they can also get all the help they need by connecting them with local ‘mother and baby’ groups, nurseries, healthcare and charities which offer advice and assistance.

Wisdom Trust Ambassadors make a difference in local communities so everyone can make positive changes in their lives. We could even encourage local tradesmen or businesses to offer free help – maybe just a few hours a month – to assist others in the local community. This could include lawyers, accountants, decorators, plumbers, financial advisors, carpenters, electricians, gardeners and handymen.
We are working on plans to help companies with business ‘build-back’ grants and to set up hardship funds to benefit their employees who have been negatively impacted as a direct result of the Covid pandemic. Our Wisdom Trust Ambassadors will be able to assist us in reaching out to any interested companies in their areas.
Finally, our Wisdom Trust Ambassadors can support, enhance, coordinate or establish local events such as Christmas Markets, Summer Fairs, Arts Festivals, Carnivals, Music Concerts, Sports Competitions, Countryside Rambles, Park Runs and Keep Fit Classes.
Get Involved – Sign Up Today

How Can You Help
Members can offer their support by signing-up, then a) logging in every day; b) voting for their favourite cause; c) learning and sharing wisdom in the Wisdom Community; d) perhaps even shopping online through the website; e) spreading the word by inviting all their friends, family and colleagues to join us; f) and by contributing their own personal Pledge For Peace on our website.
By joining the Wisdom Trust as either a member or as one of our registered charitable causes, you become part of a network that is creating positive change right across the globe, for underprivileged individuals, groups and the sustainability of our planet by unlocking the collective power of wisdom and knowledge for all.

Join Us Today!
Joining The Wisdom Trust is very simple and completely free for both individuals and organisations.
We will make a difference and in just a few click of your mouse you too could be playing your part in helping to make the world a better place for everyone, regardless of age, background, religion, race or culture – or even where they live.

The Wisdom Trust – Making It Happen!!
Supporting Charities, Families, Education, Communities and Business.
Start Small! – Think Big! – Make A Difference
Helping you LIVE with a bit more Wisdom.
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