Further Reading: Supporting Charities | Supporting Families | Supporting Communities | Supporting Business

Many Benefits For Schools, Colleges & Universities
Schools, in particular, together with colleges and universities, all over the world, will benefit in lots of different ways when they register as one of the causes listed on The Wisdom Trust website. These benefits could include:-
A) A New Source of Regular Funding
B) Education Grants For Their Students
C) Additional Funding Through Wisdom Trust Credits
D) Volunteering Opportunities
E) Extra Publicity For Their Campaigns, News & Events
F) International Connections Via Global Schools of Wisdom

A) New Source Of Regular Funding
By registering with The Wisdom Trust, a school, college or university will benefit from a completely new source of regular funding – helping to deliver better outcomes for their students; while their students will also be able to learn more about poverty, environment and health issues and much more, via our online learning programs – all free of charge.
We make donations from our Donations Fund every three months and it’s the people who use our website who will be able to vote to decide which charities, good causes and other not for profit organisations get a share of the funds available. The value of each donation is based on how many votes each cause gets. So. for example, a school with 10% of votes in a quarter will get 10% of the fund or a coilege with 1% of the votes will get 1% of the fund.
Members can vote every day if they wish – sometimes more than once a day – for their favourite causes. So encourage all your students, staff, families and other supporters to register on The Wisdom Trust – free of charge – so they can vote for you. it couldn’t be more simple.
Further Reading – Raising Funds For Your Cause

B) Education Grants For Your Students
As well as voting for their school or college to get regular donations from The Wisdom Trust, students will also be able to enjoy new and exciting learning opportunities.
Furthermore, they’ll be able to share their own wisdom and knowledge with our other users by submitting facts, items and questions of their own. They could even aspire to become one of our accredited editors or moderators
At the same time, while they’re learning or contributing, they’ll earn special Wisdom Trust Credits which will not only divert more funds to their school or college – plus any of their other favourite causes – but which will also contribute towards their own personal Wisdom Trust Education Grant Fund. This will be able to assist them with the additional costs when they move on to higher or further education.
Parents, friends & families can also benefit. Not only will they be able to join and vote for the school or college to get more funds, but they can take advantage of a Wisdom Trust Eco Grants to help them offset the costs of reducing their carbon footprint at home or in the office – with initiatives such as solar panels, wind turbines, recycling projects etc.
Click below for more information about Wisdom Trust Grants.
Further Reading – Wisdom Trust Grants

C) Additional Funding Through Wisdom Trust Credits
Students will be awarded special Wisdom Trust Credits via our online learning programs and can aspire to be top of the Hall of Fame for their class or school.
They’ll get certificates of achievement by email when they finish in the top places – daily, weekly or monthly; and whole classes will be able to work together to be the top class in the school; Plus the whole school will be able to take part in the new and exciting League of Wisdom and be crowned champion cause in their section each month.
Every time a student earns a Credit, this will add additional value to the funds set aside for their school, college or university over the current three-month donations window. Quite simply, every time a student, staff member or other supporter introduced by the school or college, clocks up 250 Credits, we’ll award an extra 100 Credits to their school or college. And more Credits equates to a larger share of our quarterly Credits Fund.

But even better than that, because when students, staff or other supporters introduce their own friends, family and colleagues, our ‘unique ‘community network’ model will recognise the link between them so every time these new members earn Credits, some small additional value (by way of extra Credits) will filter up to the nominated cause (i.e. the school, college or university) of the member who introduced them.
Students, staff, families and other supporters will all be awarded Credits when they participate in our learning and information programs or even when they use our Market Place for any of their normal online shopping at any of thousands of popular online stores and merchants – all at no extra cost or inconvenience to themselves.
In effect, what this means is that a charity, school or college could not only benefit from their students’ or supporters’ learning and online shopping, but also, to a lesser degree, from the learning and online shopping of their supporters’ friends too – and so on. So make sure you use the tools provided elsewhere in the website to introduce as many of your students, staff, families and other supporters as possible. Then encourage them to do the same.
Further Reading – Spread The Word

The Bank Of Wisdom
When the school or college itself – or indeed any of its students, staff or families – submits new items for our Library of Wisdom, they’ll earn additional Credits for each item. Then, once approved, whenever someone else views, likes or shares any of those items, or answers any of their questions, the original contributor will earn a further Credit.
So by building up a collection – large or small – of submitted items within the Library of Wisdom, any school, college, university or any student will be creating a special Bank Of Wisdom which will keep earning Credits, 24/7 – and adding to the funds allocated to their school or college.
Such items for submission can be about the four big issues of poverty, environment, healthcare and world peace, or about anything else of interest to the member – including subjects such as history, geography, science, music or literature. Items could also be about local issues, culture or even the history of local organisations, landmarks or sports clubs. Furthermore, users can submit items such as tips (eco, health or thrifty), quotations, jokes, recipes or reviews (books, movies, music, places or theatre for example).
If other users find the facts, questions or other items interesting, then they’ll like or share them or answer the questions and the original contributor – and their nominated favourite good causes – will benefit – every time!
As part of our mission to help our members increase their knowledge and wisdom, we plan a big expansion in our education provision and will continue to add new, interesting and exciting educational programmes on our website, all of which will earn members Credits to help their favourite cause and build up their own personal Wisdom Trust Grant Fund.
To kick things off, we recommend that members use our community section to join any groups that interest them and enjoy all the learning opportunities they provide. They can comment on and add to any discussions they find there or even start their own groups about subjects that interest them. And everything they do will earn them even more Credits. They’ll even earn Credits when other members join their groups or comment on, add to or share any of their discussions.
It’s so easy!! Get involved today.
Click below for more information about our Library Of Wisdom.
Further Reading – Library of Wisdom
Register Your School Or College With Us (Free Of Charge) And Start Raising Funds – Register Today

D) Volunteering Portal
Students, staff, parents and friends will also be able to participate in a whole range of volunteering roles with The Wisdom Trust and with any of our partner organisations, available via our website.
Click below for some more information about our volunteering opportunities.
Further Reading – Volunteering

E) Extra Publicity For Your Campaigns, News & Events
We’re happy to offer any of our media platforms, including our website and social media pages to help publicise any of the latest news, campaigns or upcoming events for any of our registered organisations, including schools, colleges and universities.
A simple portal available via each organisation’s profile will enable authorised officers to submit details and even images too, which will then feature throughout The Wisdom Trust. In this way more of our users will be able to learn about all your important campagns and events and offer their support.

F) Global Schools Of Wisdom
Any school, college or university which registers wth The Wisdom Trust will be able to participate in a brand new project to link academic institutions across the globe in a shared endeavour to learn from each other and help foster better friendship, goodwill and understanding across all borders.
Our goal is to establish small clusters of schools or colleges – all from different continents – which can use all our various platforms, so that staff and students can build new connections and new friendships, whilst learning more about how young people on other continents and from different backgrounds view the big issues affecting the future of our planet – poverty, environment, healthcare and world peace.
Contact us for more details.

How Can You Help
Members can offer their support by signing-up, then a) logging in every day; b) voting for their favourite cause; c) learning and sharing wisdom in the Wisdom Community; d) perhaps even shopping online through the website; e) spreading the word by inviting all their friends, family and colleagues to join us; f) and by contributing their own personal Pledge For Peace on our website.
By joining the Wisdom Trust as either a member or as one of our registered charitable causes, you become part of a network that is creating positive change right across the globe, for underprivileged individuals, groups and the sustainability of our planet by unlocking the collective power of wisdom and knowledge for all.

Join Us Today!
Joining The Wisdom Trust is very simple and completely free for both individuals and organisations.
We will make a difference and in just a few click of your mouse you too could be playing your part in helping to make the world a better place for everyone, regardless of age, background, religion, race or culture – or even where they live.

The Wisdom Trust – Making It Happen!!
Supporting Charities, Families, Education, Communities and Business.
Start Small! – Think Big! – Make A Difference
Helping you LIVE with a bit more Wisdom.
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